From facing death to giving life

Annastasia almost died when HIV left her weakened immune system struggling to fight tuberculosis. But thanks to your support, the Community Caregiver team at the clinic in Embo helped her recover – and now she is a Caregiver herself.

When Annastasia contracted tuberculosis, she was in unbearable pain and lost hope of surviving. But Community Caregiver Joyce was able to get Annastasia the care she needed. Annastasia says it felt like ‘an angel sent by Jesus to give me hope’.

Joyce visited Annastasia in hospital, and continued to support her at home over the eight months it took Annastasia to make a full recovery. ‘Joyce saved my life,’ Annastasia says.

Through Joyce’s loving witness, Annastasia decided to follow Jesus, and then, motivated by the love and compassion that she had received, she joined the Community Caregiver team herself.

One of those Annastasia has cared for is Petros, who nearly died after collapsing at home last year. Annastasia made sure he got the emergency help he needed and supported him through this traumatic experience. ‘You are like a sister to me,’ he told her.

In 2023, the Community Caregiver team at the Embo Clinic supported 286 vulnerable people struggling with illness like Annastasia and Petros, thanks to the support of people like you.

Annastasia from the Community Caregiver team helped Petros
Annastasia from the Community Caregiver team helped Petros

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